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L&S Consulting

Empowering Individuals of All Abilities for Career Success

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Get to Know Us

Meet the Heart of L&S Consulting

Get to know the passionate team behind the scenes — the dedicated individuals who bring their expertise and enthusiasm to every challenge. Each of our team members is more than just a consultant; they're advocates, mentors, and trailblazers committed to guiding you towards your career aspirations. Dive into their stories, their motivations, and the personal touch they bring to crafting solutions that celebrate every ability.

Empowering Careers, Enriching Businesses

Here are the services we provide for empowerment and success

Introduction To Career Services

Your Journey Starts Here

Starting your career adventure can be exciting and a little bit daunting, but don't worry — we've got your back! Our Introduction to Career Services are like your personal career toolkit, packed with fun and interactive ways to help you discover what you love doing and how you can turn it into a real job. You'll get to try out different work settings, find out what makes you tick, and learn all the savvy skills to land that dream job.

Career Exploration and Counseling

Finding Your Perfect Match

Think of us as your career matchmakers! We're here to chat about what gets you excited and to help you find the perfect career that feels just right for you. With a little exploring and some heart-to-heart talks, we'll connect the dots between your unique talents and a job that can't wait to have someone awesome like you.

Job Shadowing and Internships

A Sneak Peek at Work Life

Ever wonder what a day on the job really looks like? Join us for job shadowing and internships, where you'll get a behind-the-scenes tour of different workplaces. It's like a backstage pass to the working world — you'll learn by doing, meet cool people, and get a taste of what your future could hold!

Resume Building and Interview Skills

Show Off Your Sparkle

Your resume is your storybook, and we'll help you fill it with all the amazing things you can do. We'll also coach you through interviews, turning those nerve-wracking questions into a chance for you to shine bright. Think of it as getting ready for your big stage debut where you're the star!

Self-Advocacy Training

Be Bold, Be Heard

Your voice is powerful, and we want the world to hear it! Our self-advocacy training is like finding the volume control for your confidence. We'll teach you how to speak up, ask for what you need, and strut your stuff with pride — because you've got this!

Transition Planning

Dream Big, Plan Smart

Let's draw the map to your future together! Transition planning is all about dreaming big and then making a plan to get there, step by step. We'll be your planning pals, celebrating your wins, cheering you on, and helping you navigate the road to a job that's more than just work — it's where your dreams come to life.

Ongoing Support and Follow-Up

We're With You All the Way

Landing the job is just the beginning — we're here to stick with you as you grow, face new challenges, and keep climbing up that career ladder. We're like your personal cheerleading squad, always just a call or message away to keep you moving forward, all the way to age 22 and beyond. Because your success is our success, and we love a good success story!

Watch This Heartwarming Short Film

Really good! They are super helpful when discovering colleges and jobs in the area and some new skills that I can use to be more social and confident

Current Pre-ETS Client

Ready to Embrace Your Potential?

Explore our wide range of services and take the first step towards a brighter future. Reach out now to schedule a consultation or to learn more about how we can support your journey to success.

Helping clients achieve their career & life goals.

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© 2024 L&S Consulting

L&S Consulting does not discriminate based on race, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, color, national origin, familial status, age, disability, marital status, veteran status or status with regard to public assistance.


CARF Survey Information

Grievance Form

For a copy of the Client Handbook, Please send an email to info@lsconsulting.com

CARF Accreditation and VRS Requirements
To provide quality services to our clients, our organization is accredited by CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities). This accreditation ensures that we meet high standards for employment and community services, focusing on personalized, effective, and measurable support to help clients achieve meaningful employment and community integration.

Reaccreditation is required every three years to ensure continuous improvement and compliance with CARF standards, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to excellence and client-centered outcomes.

CARF Survey 11/14/24 to 11/15/24

Survey Poster - English 

Survey Poster - Spanish

Grievance Form

For a copy of the Client Handbook or to view our documents in another language, Please send an email to info@lsconsulting.com


CARF Survey Results

CARF found that L&S Consulting, LLC demonstrated the following strengths:

Although the organization is a relatively new provider, it has already established itself as a highly respected vendor that consistently provides quality Pre-ETS, job coaching, and job placement services to the Greater Saint PaulMinneapolis area.

The organization is recognized for the commitment to its administration functions. There is noticeable redundancy in place to ensure that documentation is meaningful, timely, and honest in regard to all the services that it delivers. The organization has built a strong infrastructure that should provide it with the building blocks to enable it to grow and help change more clients’ lives in the future.

The referral entities voiced a high level of satisfaction with the employment specialists and the leadership, which were described as capable, always responsive, proactive, good communicators, confident, flexible, and working well as a team, and as a whole, they were referred to as “top notch.” Referral entities also uniformly appreciated the staff members’ strong commitment to responding and communicating with all the stakeholders: clients, families, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and the businesses. Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation Services was impressed with how L&S Consulting consistently treated all clients with respect and had their best interests always in the forefront of its work.

The organization is recognized for its resolute commitment to coordinated, individualized services. The team members individually and collectively are very creative and ensure that the entire process is driven by the clients and that goals and objectives are achieved. There is a strong commitment to improve the clients’ self- advocacy skills, and the staff members communicate routinely and ongoing with the entire team to ensure that everyone is aware of what is happening in real time.

The families and guardians unanimously share how pleased they were to have L&S Consulting providing services to their family member and felt that the employment specialists and leadership team were helpful, kind, caring, honest, open, and knowledgeable about what their family member needed to be successful in the individual job. They also shared they felt that their family member was respected and treated as a real person by everyone at L&S Consulting.

The organization is recognized for its strong commitment to its workforce. Considerable time and energy are spent on hiring, onboarding, initial training, and then ongoing active support to ensure that staff members reach their full potential and meet or exceed the organization’s expectations. The executive leadership team is very hands on and approachable with the staff members and is there to support and guide them in delivering industry-leading employment services.

The organization has done a great job of creating multiple partnerships with the business community, which serves it well in regard to finding employment opportunities for clients and with developing a variety of community-based experiences as part of Pre-ETS. L&S Consulting is skilled at engaging with the business community and building long-lasting partnerships that will be win-win situations for years to come.

L&S Consulting has a great executive leadership team leading the organization. They are visionary and have a strong drive and commitment to ensure that L&S Consulting becomes the preferred vendor of employment services in the area; that it is sustainable and profitable; that it treats its staff members and clients with the utmost respect; and that the staff members are engaged, capable, and professional in delivering meaningful outcomes for the clients.

The employment specialist team is a diverse group of talented professionals who bring strong foundational understanding of quality employment services, coupled with outstanding communication skills and a laser focus on achieving the clients’ individual goals and objectives. They work well as a team and bring a contagious energy and drive to their job each day.

The persons served voiced a high level of satisfaction with the services they receive from L&S Consulting, with each of the employment specialists, and with the leadership team. They described the leadership and staff as “treating [clients] with respect and dignity,” “kind and caring,” “talented,” and “amazing.” A client stated, “They listened to me and treated me as a person.”

L&S Consulting Referral Form

Referral and other information received is protected and is maintained as confidential and private. Job coaching is available evenings, weekends, & days.